Get A Second Opinion!

Why do many individuals not get a second opinion on a medical diagnosis, a proposed plan of treatment or even a radiology report?

Is it because of fear of upsetting their current physician? A second opinion may not be covered by their insurance plan? Don’t know the process for obtaining a qualified second opinion? A decision may be time-sensitive? All of the above.

Nowadays it is not hard to find someone in your social network or in a news article who experienced a misdiagnosis. A misdiagnosis can cause great emotional distress as well as amplified poor health based on unnecessary treatment options. Plus, additional costs may be incurred due to treating the misdiagnosis.

I know from a personal family experience how a radiology report can be inaccurately interpreted as well as not thoroughly read by a physician which can result in a potential fatal treatment decision. A second, and even at times a third opinion, can be crucial for both performing and analyzing lab results, biopsies, and radiology reports.

Approximately 30% of second opinions result in a new diagnosis. If your physical location and/or ability to travel are an issue, some medical centers offer a remote second opinion which can be performed upon reviewing your medical records.

Here are just two of many public misdiagnosis stories that should make you think twice when you receive a diagnosis or a treatment plan. Be your own advocate. Make an informed decision by obtaining additional opinions from specialists with expertise in your specific health care situation.




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