advanced directives

What Are Your End-of-Life Requests for Medical Care?

This is a question that most of us do not like to discuss although it could be a question that requires an answer tomorrow, next month or in several years. Advanced planning for how you would like to be treated by your medical providers during a medical emergency is imperative if you want your requests to be executed as you intended.

Colorado Advance Directives Consortium has consolidated information on their web site from healthcare and legal professionals that clearly describes current forms accepted in Colorado for making healthcare decisions.

The Colorado Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment form (MOST) is a doctor’s order that is similar to a CPR Directive but also includes your requests for other life-sustaining measures by your medical providers. This form follows you as you transition to various healthcare providers.

The Five Wishes document is used in Colorado and most states as an advanced directive for when you are not able to communicate your requests to others. It not only includes your medical and legal requests but also your desire for comfort, spiritual, and burial/memorial planning. A sample of Five Wishes can be found at the link below.

Never assume that your loved ones or medical providers will know exactly how you want to be treated during a medical emergency. Put your requests in writing and make sure that it is a legal document in your geographic location.





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